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Technical — Dechlorination Strategies
Guidance Manual for the Disposal of Chlorinated Water
This document was supplied and copied with the permission of Rajagopalan Ganesh, Ph.D for informational purposes only. We wish to thank Rajagopalan Ganesh, Ph.D for offering this distribution copy of his comprehensive report on dechlorination chemistry and it's application in treating discharge water.
Document Abstract
Periodically, water utilities discharge finished water containing residual chlorine during emergency and planned activities that may end up in receiving streams. Chlorine is toxic to aquatic life, however, even at concentrations that cannot be detected by field measurements. In addition, the Endangered Species Act may be listing more aquatic species in the near future. Hence, preventing chlorinated water releases from reaching receiving streams is becoming an increasingly important issue for water utilities.
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) has recently undertaken an AWWARF project to prepare a guidance manual for dechlorination of potable water releases. The objective of the project is to summarize applicable federal and state regulations, summarize planned and unplanned sources of chlorinated water, summarize dechlorination methods currently in use, and develop standard operation guidelines for disposal. Ten participating utilities located throughout North America provided information concerning dechlorination, as well as overall technical review during the project. Field test data were also developed by several water utilities concerning the use of dechlorination chemicals.
The AWWARF guidance manual summarizes the state of the art of dechlorination, provides a sample 'Fly Sheet' for quick reference for operationally focused management staff and operators, and recommends future work required to develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) for each dechlorination activity.
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